Second slide

I hope my transparency here motivates someone!

The one thing that I was so ashamed has brought me so much clarity and joy. Believe it or not, I was once ashamed of having so many children. I worried about what others thought, my ability to parent, and how I would pull such a great task off. This worry took over my life for many years and it wasn't until my daughter became pregnant that I realized that it was not shameful but purposeful.

Through her pregnancy and reflections on mines the lessons flowed. Lessons on purpose, business, and life. We become pregnant in the physical, spiritual, and mind. Let me explain. To be pregnant is to be full of meaning, rich in significance or implication. You can be full with child, idea, or business. Each of these are significant and purposeful. They are needed in the earth but can't get here until you deliver.

I learned that my responsibility to birth, nurture, groom, and guide each of my children to flourishing adults was the same responsibility that I have to my businesses and to you as a business coach. It is also the same responsibility that you have to your children, businesses, and ideas.

When you first conceived the idea of starting your own business or an idea for a service or product that was the beginning of your pregnancy. The process of developing those ideas and them forming is exciting and scary at the same time. You don't know what to expect. It is definitely an experience that you will not forget and it is full of purpose. The world is waiting to see, hold, and admire your baby/business/idea.

You are pregnant with purpose!

So what are expecting?

When is your due date?

Does your labor need to be induced?